Safeguarding Our Pupils
Safeguarding is about keeping children and young people safe from abuse or neglect. All those who come into contact with children and families in their everyday work, have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
We acknowledge the importance of our role in the welfare of our pupils. We are dedicated to ensuring the safety and protection of all our pupils and will take action to safeguard their wellbeing, knowing that children have a right to protection.
All staff undertake safeguarding training that equips them to recognise and respond to any concerns. Any concerns are shared with the Senior Teachers responsible for Safeguarding and Child Protection.
Our Safeguarding Officers are Mr R Owen (Headteacher) and Mrs S James (Deputy Headteacher)

The nominated governor for Child Protection is Mr Peter Eyre (Chair of Governors)
They follow strict guidelines on how to deal with any concerns as set out in the All Wales Child Protection Procedures.
Should you have any concerns of a Child Protection nature please see one of the designated staff.
Safeguarding Policies can be found under our Policies Section HERE
Helpful Links to a range of Support and Guidance websites:-
NSPCC The leading children’s charity in the UK, specialising in Child Protection.
Action for Children Action for Children supports vulnerable and neglected children and young people.
Barnardo’s A Charity seeking to transform the lives of vulnerable children.
CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection News and articles surrounding internet safety.
Youngminds Mental health and Wellbeing