Penybont Primary School is a community primary school set in the town of Bridgend. We have over 340 pupils on roll, and we cater for children from the ages of 3 to 11 in our non-selective, co-educational, day school.
We pride ourselves on being a lively and exciting school for pupils and their families. We believe in involving parents in the education of their children and always seek to develop strong, positive relationships with you. We need your support, interest and co-operation to make sure that your child’s years with us are happy and fulfilling.
We are an extremely busy school and seek to provide many opportunities for educational visits and experiences that enrich the curriculum. In addition, there are many extracurricular clubs for the children to join as they progress through the school.
The positive ethos, excellent behaviour and committed staff culminate in excellent results throughout the school.
If you need it, there is also after school childcare provision (subject to available places) on site at very competitive rates. Children can be left with us for breakfast from 8.15am (free) and can be collected as late as 5.05pm.
Should you need to discuss any aspect of your child’s education please contact the school office to arrange an appointment with your child’s teacher or the Headteacher.
We will do all we can to ensure a successful education in the most important years of your child’s life.
Kind regards
Mr. P. Eyre (Chair of Governors) and Mr. R. Owen (Headteacher)
Let’s swap those school runs for school walks.😀
From next week Monday 9th September, we will be restarting WOW – the walk to school challenge delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school. Thanks to funding from Welsh Government, our school is one of 170 across Wales to take part in this project.
The pupil-led challenge enables children to self-report how they get to school every day. If they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) at least once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge.
What are the benefits of walking to school? ·
Children feel happier and healthier
They arrive to school refreshed and ready to learn
Helps reduce congestion and pollution at the school gates
What if we can’t walk to school?
Park and Stride to help your child earn their WOW badges. You can park at least ten minutes away from the school and walk the remaining journey. Park outside the blue zone for the journey to count as ‘Park and Stride’.
What is a WOW badge?
There are 11 new WOW badges to be earned, one for every month of the school year. This year’s WOW badge theme is Walk with Imagination, with a selection of badges ranging from a Bird's Eye View to Road Surfing up for grabs.
If you have any questions about the programme, or to find more information and useful videos, visit:
Let’s swap those school runs for school walks.
Let’s swap those school runs for school walks.😀 From next week Monday 9th September, we will be ...
Dear Parents & Carers, Welcome back! I have attached my first newsletter of the new school year. ...
One more get up!!! We are looking forward to seeing all of our smiling pupils tomorrow morning. ...
Early Help self referrals if you need a little extra support in your family.
Bore da, Unfortunately the weather looks like it will be against us for our parent & carer ...
Headteacher's Newsletters
Please find below all newsletters from this current academic year
September 6th, 2024 / September 2nd, 2025