Digital Communication & Your Child’s Learning Journey

Digital Communication & Your Child’s Learning Journey

We are always looking for more effective ways to keep our parents informed and engaged in their child’s learning journey. At Penybont we provide you with the most effective, yet simple-to-use tools to achieve this.

We have invested in 3 main platforms which you will become familiar with throughout your child’s time with us, Weduc, Scopay and Seesaw.


Weduc is a new two way digital communication and engagement tool that has been designed specifically to improve the way that parents and school staff communicate with each other. We use Weduc to send information and letters to you, to gain permissions for visits and to send you direct notifications and SMS messages if we need to contact you urgently. You can use Weduc to keep up to date with school news, events and to send messages to your child’s teacher.


Scopay is an app that you will be required to use book and pay for school dinners, school trips and events, as we are a cashless school. Should you require after school child care provision, you can use Scopay to pay for this too.


SeeSaw is a digital app-based platform that allows pupils, teachers and parents or guardians to complete and share class and homework. Seesaw is a platform for pupil engagement, allowing pupils to access specifically allocated digital activities and submit them safely on the app, meaning it can be seen and appraised by teachers.

We utilise the Seesaw app to provide all pupils with an online portfolio that they can access to complete their ‘Penybont Core Purpose Ninja‘ tasks. As the pupils grow, over time, their profile grows too.

Once you, as a parent, have been verified and set up to view your child’s journal, your child’s teacher will send out a 12-letter Home Learning Code. When you log into the Class app, you will be given three options. If you click ‘I am a student then you will be prompted to enter the code. This will allow your child to log in and add to their own journal. If you lose the code, email your child’s teacher and they will generate a new code. Once another code has been generated, you will be unable to log in using any previous codes.

As previously mentioned, you can only have one child logged into the Class app at a time so keep the codes safe.